Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year Resolution

Show six.
Wow, already a half of dozen shows has come and gone. I think each one gets better, It better or I'm firing my producer (just kidding). A special show dedicated to leaving the past misery behind and looking forward to new joy. It's my resolution to be more joyful. I expect big miracles in the coming year. I believe because God says it will be so. I already been blessed with "Gospel Cafe", I now want it to be syndicated. It will be done, especially with your help and word of mouth. Keep listening the new year will be fill with lots of great music and wonderful surprises. Don't forget to go by Gospel Cafe Online, because there will be a lot of new fun things happen over there.

We wish You A Merry Christmas

Show Five.
A Christmas show done Cafe style. The Christmas was different than most Gospel Christmas shows, The Gospel Cafe played songs by The Temptations, Whitney Houston And Luther Vandross among some of Gospel Greats. The host even did a diddy of "We wish you a Merry Christmas". It was a fun and blessed show. To get a copy please go to Gospel Cafe Online and request one. Sign into the guestbook and someone will follow-up with you.

Show Four

Gospel Cafe: Show Four
Music that feeds the soul. it was a light show with new music and some light fun. The producer is was expose for being cheap, by not buying anyone anything for Christmas. The show also featured another Kurt Franklin song. What can I say, I love the mans' work. To be announced on the show please visit Gospel Cafe Online and sign the guestbook.

Bye bye 07, Hello 08

This year is almost over. the time went by so fast. The new year is coming on strong. it will bring some new joy. I promise myself I will be joyful this year. I'm expecting some wonderful things this year. I have already been blessed with a wonderful show called "Gospel Cafe". Check it out, every Saturday at 4pm Live on KXXT 1010 am in phoenix or hear it online. It easy go to and follow the easy instruction. They may be a time difference for other states since Arizona doesn't participate in the time change. I have recorded earlier show and they can be request by leaving a message at the guestbook.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Show Three: Classic and Traditional gospel. Please don't call it Old school. That's just too worldly for this type of music. Please give the gospel classic it's due respect. I remember when I was producing Gospel Connection for KMJK Majik 107 and the Host called a classic gospel song and old school hit. I almost ranned into the back of a car. I screaming so loud the poeple in passing car must have thought I was crazy.I was singhed however. They are classic or traditional hits. Join us Saturday at 4pm on KXXT am 1010 in phoenix on on line, just head over to GospelCafeOnline to hear it on your PC.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Show Two: Dancing & Praising
Feeling like old hats Gospel Cafe produces their second show working out some of the previous kink s from the first show. Host Tim Higgs delivers a uplifting and foot stomping show. His producers however to busy doing the gospel robot forgot his cues but all came out fine.
The next show will contain classic gospel songs by some of the greatest gospel singers ever: Rev. James Cleveland, Shirley Ceaser, Walter Hawkins & more. Come and feed the soul, Gospel Cafe every Saturday at 4pm on KXXT 1010 am or listen on line at and while you're there sign the guest book.

Gospel Cafe has a new website. Please sign in the guest book and tell the producer what you think of the show and the website. Get ready to dance. The next show is all bout dancing for and praising the Lord. This Saturday and every Saturday at 4pm (remember time zones) catch another sweet sounding Gospel Cafe on KXXT 1010 am or go to Gosepel CafeOnline.Com for easy instruction.

The Gospel Cafe plays music by your favorite artists like Kirk Franklin, Mary Mary, Shirley Ceaser

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Grand Opening

The first show is history. Like all new ventures, this one had some rough spots too. The show was a little shaky at times, but still manage to entertain. The second show is already in development stages. Please return to Saturdays at 4pm live on KXXT 1010 am. Go to the website for information

Friday, November 9, 2007

From the ceators of "The Gospel Connection"

Gospel Cafe
Saturdays at 4pm on KXXT 1010 am

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Are we OnThe Air?

Gospel Cafe hits the airwaves Nov. 24 07. "The Grand Opening". Be there for the first show Saturday 24 07 at 4pm.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Welcome To Gospel Cafe

Gospel Cafe is coming to Radio