Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sample Playlist for 5-24-2008

Here's a few songs played on 5-24-08

Real Job

Before the e-mails and calls start pouring in, i have already apologized for my comment that taking care of kids isn't a real job. I was commenting on my producer youngest child going to school, so he's no longer needed to be a stay at home dad. I suggested that he get a real job like Rodeo Clown.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Gospel Cafe edited playlist May 17 08

Cafe On Disc

The Producer finally did something. "That's Correct" He sent out copies of the show to a few lucky listners as a gesture of thanks. Copies of The Gospel Cafe which air lives at 4pm in Phoenix and can be heard on the internet via KXXT 1010. Check your times listed on this site. If you don't recieve one, maybe it because you haven't sign the guestbook over at

Friday, May 2, 2008

May Artist Of The Month

BEBe Winans
He has a wonderful voice that grabs you.