Monday, November 16, 2009

Flinstones gets in on the Anniversary band

Every time I hear it's an anniversary my mind goes back to this episode of The Flintsones. How many times have I mentioned our Anniversary.

Happy Anniversary!!

This the season to be jolly, and we are. Mega E's Gospel Cafe is celebrating it's 2nd Anniversary. Mega E's Gospel Cafe, an one hour show is a fast pace uplifting show "where music feeds the soul". The staff at Mega E's "Gospel Cafe" would like to thank everyone who supported our show in the last two years. The one hour show
airs every Saturday at 4pm on KXXT 1010 AM. It a musical testament of faith, love and courage.
We want you to join Tim Higgs and The Producer on their special day. You can help us celebrate by calling us and wishing us a Happy Anniversary. Call between 4pm-5pm (602)296-3637. Our listeners of the East Coast call between 6pm-7pm, Texas,New Mexico call between 5pm-6pm & California and Call between 3pm-4pm.
Please check out our website: any time you need a little extra boost. On the site you can find videos, recipes and information about the show and staff, giveaways and more. You can also listen live right from your desk.
We are working on podcast and other goodies after the new year. Thanks in advance for your participation in our 2 Year Anniversary Saturday 21st 2009.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Song Of the Moment

His first CD was off the hook. I was happy to see that he released a new CD. Earnest Pugh is fast becoming one of my favorite artist.

Back! BeBe and CeCe Winans

I was so happy to hear that my favorite group was back with a Reunion Cd. I am digging this cut.


Happy Anniversary! Yes, Mega E's Gospel Cafe is turning two. We like to thank all for their support of the show. Please stop by and give us a listen or reconnect.